Do you want to learn more about ears?

The truth is, no one has been taught all they need to know - you have come to the right place

  • Would you like to really help people with ear troubles?

  • Are you ever stumped for answers about ears?

  • Can you explain ear conditions in simple language?

  • Would you like to be proficient at examining ears?

Who We Help

EME has 3 focus groups

  • All of Us

    Surfers and swimmers with frequent ear infections, parents not sure about grommets, families concerned a loved one is not hearing well enough, school children not progressing - is it their ears? Many people and community health professionals have questions about ears and can share the benefits from commonsense learning being easily available.

  • Health Professionals

    The EME Technique is a system of examining & assessing ears. A blueprint for using an otoscope to look into ears safely, without discomfort, to gain the best view and make an accurate diagnosis. If a whole team learns the system, shares knowledge and language, then their clients/patients can receive excellent care from anyone in the team.

  • MicroEarCare Services

    Many practitioners are seeking the knowledge & skills they require to deliver comprehensive ear care. Often they wish to extend their skills in MicroEarCare - the craft of using an ENT loupe or microscope to diagnose and care for ears. They want to know more, learn more, so they can provide an excellent service for their customers!

EME courses can help you!

Our courses are presented in short lessons that are easy to follow.  They use lots of stories, case studies, diagrams, photos and videos to make learning about ears easy.

They are designed so you can: 

  • quickly help those in your care
  • discover sensible simple tips for taking care of ears
  • learn step-by-step
  • avoid making common mistakes
  • learn at home or work on any device
  • choose learning times that suit you
  • learn DIY self paced, or
  • join our EME Community for live Q&A and extra help if you get stuck

Course Presenter -Theresa O'Leary Ear Nurse Consultant

Theresa has helped thousands of people of all ages with their ear troubles (since 1987), she has also trained 1400+ health professionals.

She explains learning clearly and concisely, brings practical advice, common sense help and teaches loads of tips and tricks so you can quickly and confidently, better help those in your care.

Her drive is for everyone to have their healthiest ears and best hearing possible!

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